the private apocalypse of where, tennessee​
Christopher’s got no prospects and wishes that the future might open up like a cracked rib, that the past might just be water under the town, I mean, bridge, I mean, I don’t know what made me say that, wait, what I mean is that Christopher is asleep on their bench where they live, please speak quietly so we don’t wake them (they don’t get a good night’s sleep very often anymore) and for the love of god make sure you’ve turned off your cell phone. Okay good. This is a play about birds, about floods, about mountain-top removal, about the world and how little we know about it, about the things that unsettle us, I mean me, about going from here and just seeing where it takes us, and it’s sort of about love and a little bit about peanut butter but mostly it’s a play about how sometimes you may think it’s not very likely that there is a beautiful, ancient woman living inside the mountain, but it is very likely. It is very, very likely. Very, very, very, very, very, very likely. It’s actually happening. It’s happening right now. She’s here and she’s coming up behind you. Do you hear that? Wait – Wait, I don’t want it this way. Let’s go back.
Development History:
Reading - Kitchen Sink Artist's Collective, May 2023
Reading - The Bechdel Group, February 2023
Reading - Kitchen Sink Artist's Collective, February 2023
Fourteen year old girl is fourteen and also, probably, gay. Her aunt who pretty much raised her is always stressed and also, definitely, gay. Best friend is not actually a very good friend. New girl across the street kind of looks like a boy but doesn’t seem to mind, in fact she might be doing it on purpose? Mom is M.I.A. and appearing in dreams. Did you know that no human can run faster than a bear? Childhood is over and Honey’s life is changing, and she can’t decide whether or not she’s okay with it.
Development History & Awards:
Semifinalist - Richmond Triangle Players' So.Queer Festival, 2023
Reading - Under St. Marks, NYC, June 2022
Workshop -Hollins University, Roanoke, May 2022
Reading - Hollins University, Roanoke, November 2021
The Holy Order of Aches and Pains​
A short play for two.
The Well​
A one-page play.
Paige Esterly's A Little Bit of Drama